Landlords and Property Managers will want to make sure properties are being looked after with extra care when property investors as well as tenants celebrate the holiday season.
Communication and availability
If you’re leaving for your holiday, be sure to notify tenants and suppliers of your schedule. You can send them each a Season’s Greetings email as well as post about it on social media. Be sure to update your Google My Business hours and make a note on your website. Knowing your availability will help tenants and property owners manage their expectations during the holidays.
Make sure you can still be reached, especially when the matter is urgent. Try to provide a secondary point of contact. This person is someone who should be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge and one you can trust to handle issues while you’re away.
Fire safety
Lights and other ornaments could be a potential fire hazard. Take time to remind tenants about not overloading power boards, turning off lights when leaving the property, and not placing lights near flammable materials. Check that all smoke alarms are in good working order and meet legislative requirements.
Extra security
You will also want to check on locks on doors, windows and sheds. Double check that security screens are still secure. The holiday season is prone to theft and damages caused by theft.
Unapproved vacation rentals
If tenants are away for the season, it can be tempting to list the property on vacation rental websites, like Airbnb. However, this form of subletting can pose a problem as it is excluded from most landlord insurance policies. So if anything goes wrong, the property owner can be held liable. Include this in your holiday reminder to tenants.
Stacey Lee Realty has experienced Property Managers to handle the task of maintaining your investment and ensure your investment is working for you with minimal hassles. Call us today at 07 3399 2966 or visit www.staceyleerealty.com.au