Part of your obligation as Property Manager or Landlord is to ensure you provide the tenant with a “reasonably secure” property.
What does “reasonably secure mean?” According to the Queensland Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, this could relate to:
- the risk to a tenant’s personal safety
- the ability of a tenant to obtain home contents insurance
- the likelihood of break-ins
- local community standards about adequate security for properties
- the physical characteristics of the property and adjoining areas
Security also includes supplying and maintaining all locks and providing the tenant with keys. Keys include electronic key cards, swipe cards and remote controls.
Other keys the you must also provide:
- each person named on the tenancy agreement with a set of keys to enter the property
- a single set of keys for any lockable areas (e.g. buildings, security gates, rooms, sheds, lockable cupboards and mailboxes)
- rooming accommodation tenants with a room key and, if necessary, to the house or apartment building
In the case of changing locks, this can only be done if the tenant and Property Manager or Landlord are both in agreement, if there is an emergency or by QCAT order.
At the end of the tenancy, all keys, including any copies made, must be returned to the Property Manager or Landlord.
Stacey Lee Realty has experienced Property Managers to handle the task of maintaining your investment and ensure your investment is working for you with minimal hassles. Call us today at 07 3399 2966 or visit www.staceyleerealty.com.au